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Ceramic Membranes for Industrial Separations and Purifications

Selected Publications:

  1. Mitra A., J. Yu, P.K.T. Liu, R. Ciora, M. Sahimih, and T.T. Tsotsis, "Ultra-Pure Hydrogen Production from Reformate Mixtures using a Palladium Membrane Reactor System", J. Membrane Science, in press (2011)

  2. Mitra A., J. Yu, P.K.T. Liu, R. Ciora, M. Sahimih, and T.T. Tsotsis, "Hydrogen production from coal-derived syngas using a catalytic membrane reactor based process", J. Membrane Science, 363, 160 (2010)

  3. Bhargav A., G.S. Jackson, R.J. Ciora Jr., and P.K.T. Liu "Model development and validation of hydrogen transport through supported palladium membranes", J. Membrane Science, 356 123 (2010)

  4. Harale, A., H.T. hwang, P.K.T. Liu, M. Sahimi and T.T. Tsotsis "Design aspects of the cyclic hybrid adsorbent-membrane reactor (HAMR) system for hydrogen Production", Chem. Eng. Sci., 65 427 (2010)

  5. Dadwhal, M., M.M. Ostwal, P.K.T. Liu, M. Sahimi and T.T. Tsotsis "Adsorption of Arsenic on Conditioned Layered Double Hydroxides: Column Experiments and Modeling" Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48 2076 (2009)

  6. Hwang, H.T., A. Harale, P.K.T. Liu, M. Sahimi, M., and T.T. Tsotsis, "A membrane-based reactive separation system for CO2 removal in a life support system", J. Memb. Sci. 315, 116 (2008)

  7. Harale, A., H.T. Hwang, P. KT. Liu, M. Sahimi, and T.T. Tsotsis, "Experimental studies of a hybrid adsorbent-membrane reactor (HAMR) system for hydrogen production", Chem. Eng. Sci., 62, 4126 (2007).

  8. Fayaz, B., Harale, A., Park, B.G., Liu, P.K.T., Sahimi, M., and T.T. Tsotsis, "Design Aspects of Hybrid Adsorbent-membrane Reactor (HAMR) for Hydrogen Production", Ind. Eng. Chem., 44, 9398 (2005).

  9. Ciora, R.J., Fayyaz, B., Liu, P.K.T., Suwanmethanond, V., Mallada, R., Sahimi, M., and Tsotsis, T.T. "Preparation and Reactive Applications of SiC Membranes," Chem. Eng. Sci., 559, 4957 (2004).

  10. Ciora, R.J. Jr., and Liu, P.K.T., "Ceramic Membranes for Environmental Related Applications", Fluid/Particle Separation Journal, 15, 51, (2003).

  11. Suwanmethanond, V., Goo, E., Liu, P.K.T., Johnston, G., Suhimi, M., Tsotsis, T.T., "Porous Silicon Carbide Sintered Subtrates for High Temperature Membranes", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 39, 3264 (2000).

  12. Sedigh, M.G., Jahangiri, M., Liu, P.K.T., Sahimi, M., Tsotsis, T.T., "Structural Characterization of Polyetherimide-Based Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes", AIChE J., 46, 2245 (2000).

  13. Ciora, R.J., and P.K.T. Liu, "Carbon Membranes - Perspective from a Membrane Manufacturer", Proceedings 19th Annual Membrane/Separations Technology and Planning Conference, Newton, MA. (2000)

  14. Sedigh, M.G., Liu, P.K.T., Ciora, R.J., Tsotsis, T.T., and Sahimi, M., "Polyetherimide-based Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes: Transport Investigations and Morphological Characterization," Adv. in Filtr. and Sepn. Technol., 13a, 974 (1999).

  15. Wu, J.C.S., Sabol, H.L., Smith, G.W., Flowers, D.L., Liu, P.K.T., "Characterization of Hydrogen-Selective Membranes", J. Membrane Science, 96, 275 (1994).

  16. Lin, C.L., Flowers, D.L., Liu, P.K.T., "Characterization of Ceramic Membranes: II. Modified Commercial Membranes with Pore Size Under 40A", J. Membrane Science, 92, 29 (1994).

  17. Gallaher, G.R., Liu, P.K.T., "Characterization of Ceramic Membranes: I. Thermal and Hydrothermal Stability of Commercial 40A Membranes", J. Membranes Science, 92, 45 (1994)