Ceramic Membranes for Industrial Separations and Purifications
Selected Publications:
- Mitra A., J. Yu, P.K.T. Liu, R. Ciora, M. Sahimih, and T.T. Tsotsis, "Ultra-Pure Hydrogen Production from Reformate Mixtures using a Palladium Membrane Reactor System", J. Membrane Science, in press (2011)
- Mitra A., J. Yu, P.K.T. Liu, R. Ciora, M. Sahimih, and T.T. Tsotsis, "Hydrogen production from coal-derived syngas using a catalytic membrane reactor based process", J. Membrane Science, 363, 160 (2010)
- Bhargav A., G.S. Jackson, R.J. Ciora Jr., and P.K.T. Liu "Model development and validation of hydrogen transport through supported palladium membranes", J. Membrane Science, 356 123 (2010)
- Harale, A., H.T. hwang, P.K.T. Liu, M. Sahimi and T.T. Tsotsis "Design aspects of the cyclic hybrid adsorbent-membrane reactor (HAMR) system for hydrogen Production", Chem. Eng. Sci., 65 427 (2010)
- Dadwhal, M., M.M. Ostwal, P.K.T. Liu, M. Sahimi and T.T. Tsotsis "Adsorption of Arsenic on Conditioned Layered Double Hydroxides: Column Experiments and Modeling" Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48 2076 (2009)
- Hwang, H.T., A. Harale, P.K.T. Liu, M. Sahimi, M., and T.T. Tsotsis, "A membrane-based reactive separation system for CO2 removal in a life support system", J. Memb. Sci. 315, 116 (2008)
- Harale, A., H.T. Hwang, P. KT. Liu, M. Sahimi, and T.T. Tsotsis, "Experimental studies of a hybrid adsorbent-membrane reactor (HAMR) system for hydrogen production", Chem. Eng. Sci., 62, 4126 (2007).
- Fayaz, B., Harale, A., Park, B.G., Liu, P.K.T., Sahimi, M., and T.T. Tsotsis, "Design Aspects of Hybrid Adsorbent-membrane Reactor (HAMR) for Hydrogen Production", Ind. Eng. Chem., 44, 9398 (2005).
- Ciora, R.J., Fayyaz, B., Liu, P.K.T., Suwanmethanond, V., Mallada, R., Sahimi, M., and Tsotsis, T.T. "Preparation and Reactive Applications of SiC Membranes," Chem. Eng. Sci., 559, 4957 (2004).
- Ciora, R.J. Jr., and Liu, P.K.T., "Ceramic Membranes for Environmental Related Applications", Fluid/Particle Separation Journal, 15, 51, (2003).
- Suwanmethanond, V., Goo, E., Liu, P.K.T., Johnston, G., Suhimi, M., Tsotsis, T.T., "Porous Silicon Carbide Sintered Subtrates for High Temperature Membranes", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 39, 3264 (2000).
- Sedigh, M.G., Jahangiri, M., Liu, P.K.T., Sahimi, M., Tsotsis, T.T., "Structural Characterization of Polyetherimide-Based Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes", AIChE J., 46, 2245 (2000).
- Ciora, R.J., and P.K.T. Liu, "Carbon Membranes - Perspective from a Membrane Manufacturer", Proceedings 19th Annual Membrane/Separations Technology and Planning Conference, Newton, MA. (2000)
- Sedigh, M.G., Liu, P.K.T., Ciora, R.J., Tsotsis, T.T., and Sahimi, M., "Polyetherimide-based Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes: Transport Investigations and Morphological Characterization," Adv. in Filtr. and Sepn. Technol., 13a, 974 (1999).
- Wu, J.C.S., Sabol, H.L., Smith, G.W., Flowers, D.L., Liu, P.K.T., "Characterization of Hydrogen-Selective Membranes", J. Membrane Science, 96, 275 (1994).
- Lin, C.L., Flowers, D.L., Liu, P.K.T., "Characterization of Ceramic Membranes: II. Modified Commercial Membranes with Pore Size Under 40A", J. Membrane Science, 92, 29 (1994).
- Gallaher, G.R., Liu, P.K.T., "Characterization of Ceramic Membranes: I. Thermal and Hydrothermal Stability of Commercial 40A Membranes", J. Membranes Science, 92, 45 (1994)